It is amazing that Quora raised millions of dollars for a crummy question and answer website. It probably was able to raise the funds for several reasons, none of which were because it deserved to raise even a penny. These reasons probably included: the owner had connections, they did a good job at raising capital, the owners had a good credit rating, and the people doing the pitch to the investors were good salesmen.
But the truth is that Quora sucks. Why does it suck so badly? Here are the top 10 reasons that Quora sucks.
10 You have to have an account to even read the results on Quora

However, that still doesn't change that fact that it is a huge annoyance that they literally force all visitors to register for an account in order to use the site, thus revealing their email and home IP address, unless you use a VPN and a throwaway email. But even if you do use a VPN and throwaway email, your account will quickly be deleted if you don't violate your privacy, as explained in the rest of this top 10 list of why Quora sucks.
9 You have to download the Quora app in order to even use the full site

8 They force you to use the site their way and not the way you want to

7 You have to use your REAL name in real life to even use the site

The stupid and really horrible reason they do this is because they don't want people creating multiple accounts and they think it will tone down people's passion. However, more importantly, it gives the moderators an unreasonable amount of control over the content. By being able to ban a user forever from ever using the website, moderators are able to inhibit freedom of speech by banning any users who do not agree with their personal values, even if they did not break any "rules".
This is a 1) violation of privacy, 2) violation of freedom of speech, and 3) results in political bias, which is a huge no-no for a question and answer site. Worse, it alienates a large number of valuable contributors, because only people who are stupid or naive enough to give a liberal question and answer website access to their personal identity and personally identifying documents, will ever be the ones who remain on the website.
Additionally, it means that people will not be fully honest and will not give the correct and unbiased answers, because of the constant fear of being banned from the website.
As a result, the site is now filled with hacks and liberals instead of valuable contributors. The moderators are able to push their liberal bias and ban conservative views. They are able to delete any honest comments about how terrible Quora is so they can safely ignore the valuable advice telling them why they sick so bad, because they have no reason to change it.
Moreover, now they can sell all these people's personal information to the highest bidder as part of their monetization strategy.
Sure, you can post answers as "Anonymous". However, anonymous answers are penalized, and have a high risk of being deleted by a moderator who disagrees with you. Additionally, just because you are posting as "anonymous" doesn't mean anything because Quora unpaid and paid moderators and staff still know everything you posted is directly connected to you, and this information is collected and forever stored, and one day most certainly will come back to haunt you. Once you post on Quora, that is connected to you, personally, forever.
Also, if you accidentally post something personal as not anonymous, you are SOL.
6 You have to use a real photograph of yourself on the Quora post

So you keep quiet or tone down your posts, and as a result the quality of the entire site is degraded and unfairly biased. If they don't believe your headshot is you or is not good enough, they will suspend your account asking for more privacy invasion personal identification, and possibly delete your account and all your hard work.
Please note that they say you don't have to use your real photo. But if you don't soon your account will become suspended and they will demand even more privacy violating identity verifications. One of these verifications can and does include a picture of yourself. They want to make sure they know exactly who you are in real life. Which is completely none of their business, because you don't know anything about the "moderator" who you are sending all your personal information to.
5 Quora creates, wants, and panders to tyrannical moderators

They might let you waste a bunch of time first before deleting all your content you worked hard for and banning you forever just because they don't agree with your political perspective, or because they want you to give them a copy of your ID and other violations of personal privacy.
4 Quora is extremely unpopular

Why is Quora ranked in search engines? It has nothing to do with popularity. It has to do with the fact that they keep posting so much new stupid questions and stupid answers from their teams of writers who are the main ones using the website (not actual visitors), and large amounts of content and being regularly updated is favored by the search engines, despite the fact that it is an extremely unpopular website that most of the internet wants to die and stop showing up in their web searches.
3 What you write is not yours, and probably will be changed against your will

Not only is this an ethical violation because your content is essentially your only payment for the time you spent writing on the site, but also it is potentially damaging to you and is a personal violation against contributors, because they can change your question to mean something you never intended to ask, or they can change your answers to portray views that do not line up with your personal views.
Then for example your employer one day is browsing the internet and reads a Quora answer you wrote - because after all it has your real name and a picture of you next to it - and hates what you wrote. But he doesn't know that that isn't what you wrote at all, that is what some moderator completely twisted out of context when they rewrote your question against your will.
2 Quora reveals everything you have read on the website to the public

Since it is a question and answer website, and because it comes up in your web browsing searches, if you accidentally clicked a web result for Quora when you were searching for "how to cure athlete's foot", now this embarrassing fact is permanently connected to your real name for the entire world to see. This is a massive violation of privacy that goes even further than many other privacy violating sites.
1 Quora pollutes internet searches on mobile devices

This is even more problematic when it comes to mobile devices, because on a mobile device you can't manually remove the overlays like you can on a desktop if you are computer savvy. Instead, you have to just push the back button on your mobile browser and you can't even read the content on a mobile device.
So in essence, it is clear that on multiple levels, Quora is basically a site which wants tons of people to work for them without pay, and without even the sole benefit to be able to express their own personal views and ask the questions they want to.
After all, who wants to ask embarrassing questions that might help other people but will be forever connected to you personally, both your real name and real picture of you? Do you really want the world to know that you don’t know how to cook a chicken, or that your wife cheated on you and you don’t know what to do about it? Of course not.
And what if you got divorced? Well you can’t use this site to ask people how to recover from it unless you also want the world knowing you are getting divorced. What if you are a recovering alcoholic? Internet forums are a great way to anonymously get other recovering addicts to help you recover without revealing to your employer and the world that you are struggling with alcoholism. These and many other scenarios are excellent ways to utilize an anonymous question and answer forum, but Quora has designed a system that prevents anyone from getting real help. Quora is not a safe haven! It is a very dangerous haven for anyone who is seeking help for anything, big or small.
So you can’t use the site to ask the most important questions, express opinions, find out real and unbiased information that is useful to your life, add your valuable contributions, or build your online reputation, all the things that you are supposed to be able to do on a question and answer site and which is the entire reason for its existence, because the entire website is designed to hurt its contributors and portray a biased viewpoint on every topic.
So it is clear that Quora sucks very badly. I really hope that the site dies a quick death, sooner rather than later. I also really hope that whoever is funding the site wakes up and realizes the truth behind this horrible website and pulls their funding, so that the owners of Quora can stop profiting off ruining the internet and harming people’s lives by violating their privacy.
Undercover Investigation
Update: I created an account on Quora and over the past couple weeks I made a couple hundred posts. Most of them valuable replies and comments, a few not so much. I wanted to check to see if anything as changed, so I went undercover.
As expected, they have now blocked my profile saying it violates the “real name” policy. However, the name I used isn’t a particularly odd-sounding name.
I wanted to further the undercover operation by seeing what kind of sensitive documents they demand in order to post on their free website, but the link goes to a contact form which is broken. It is just a white page. This shows very poor programming. (Update: After 4 years they finally fixed their contact form in 2020, which had been broken since 2016).
I tested in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Explorer. I even tried accessing the contact form using a different IP address from a different geographic location, but no luck. Currently, the website is broken. It also has some major bugs such as deleting comments is not possible since it gives a white transparent overlay but the delete comment is missing.
If they do fix this major website bug, I will continue by updating this post with screenshots of the full sensitive personal information they demand from me in order to participate on their free website. It’s free because they profit from selling your personal information. (Update: Since it took 4 years for them to update their contact form to work, I’ll have to do another undercover project to get this info)
Also, they delay blocking you until you contributed quite a bit to the website so that you are emotionally invested in the website and more likely to concede to their demands for your personal information that they are not entitled to. Moreover, depending on what they demand, it may be illegal.
Forgive me being what appears ‘exceptionally late’ to join this party.
I have had a Quora account since Moses was a young boy (rhetorically writing) and yesterday decided with steadfast resolve to close my account.
The reasoning fits some of the already exclaimed reasonings but a few are more personal.
Factually I was a wildlife photographer and study wildlife still here in Tasmania.
Unlike some my journey was never based on ego nor will for imposing bias. It was based on common knowledge my own experiences of rescue and some Indepth study/observation.
Alas that journey accompanied by literally thousands of pages of writing and photographs of my study ended yesterday.
That reason?
All of afore written and the now ‘Artificially Written’ and indeed artistic nonsensical diatribe exclaimed for being ‘human’.
I am a human. A sixty-year-old dinosaur woman with a penchant for knowledge and giving said.
I had in actual long posited I need no ego stroking nor faux applause. I exposed from the first moment my journey was to encourage and inform and of course learn.
Disappointed is an inadequate retort I afford my reasonings.
Deflated beyond being is perhaps more responsibly adequate.
And so here today for the first time in around twenty or so years I am bereft of all and any ‘social media’ of any measure.
THIS expose of my truth is in essence a post that may sum up that arrival.
Truth and integrity along with experiences of many folds mean nothing to the glory farming ego stroking needs of an entire generation.
Faux generated rubbish along with taking away my own hard toiling works into nothing more than a stolen meme of shared bluster!
Downgrading of the toil the muster of spirit to spend weeks searching for that shot of a Tiger snake or perhaps Wedge Tailed eagle that becomes nothing more than stolen wallpaper irrespective of (not for reproduction).
And so, this webpage caught my attention and my desire to at least write down this effort to establish if nothing else ‘Chelle was here’.
Thank you all for reading.
Qoura is a prison. The creators are delusional. I opted out from using it. Why have communist, far left mock me for not having their values? The inventors are geeks who listen to techno all day and drive teslas. Maybe elon musk will buy it and normal humans will use it.
Website is deep. Any hobby you have sports. Games. Etc all it is communist, narcisstic,bit**ery. Who torment anyone with a opinion. Its mind control and paranoia
You can’t post photos from other sites, like beautiful underwater photography, or ask a question if anyone remembers a victrola with a picture of a victrola record player without getting banned and being accused of a spammer. Yet, they let some 40-year-old woman use explicit profanity when describing a person who is conservative. That poster posted M.F. every other word, and the website is very explicit with shady people.
Pure Trash.
Say what you want about this questions-answering social media platform, but I have nothing against it. I think it’s an okay site for me, but that doesn’t mean that I like it or not. Sure, it may not be a reliable source, but I guess I may not mind at all either.
These social media websites are setup to spy on people and push medical mafia fraud. I say forget the evil tyrant parasites of this world that bow to the devil. Forget them fools! they are cowards on the take from corrupt devil big gov bastards! We will take America back from those fools! 🙁
Glad that I’m not the only one hates Quora. It seems to me be just as bad as certain other websites like Reddit an’ Twitter.
Also it’s slow and bloated.
On Quora, you can’t even be critical of genuinely stupid people, all because they’re “woke” and you’re not. “Woke” is an extremely radical and dangerous “religion!!!” That psychotic and extremely orthodox “religion” is clearly from the dark-side!!! If you disagree with ANY of its all too often poorly defined tenets, you get kicked in the back, they rip your hat, and throw you out the back door!!! … all in the name of TOLERANCE!!! hey hey hey.
Quora needs to be sued. They support the white supremacist racists being bullies and harassing and they do nothing when we “report” them yet they keep deleting my comments to the bullies’ harassing of ME. No, change that, they should be taken out and SHOT.
I don’t want quora and I never signed up,they continue to torment me and send junk to my email which I don’t know how they got their grubby fingers on.!!!!!!
The site caters to people who are borderline psychotic and who hate first responders. After months of harassment by some crazy idiot who hates nurses, I finally deleted my account. The guy is still out there and calls himself a “patient advocate”. He has two profiles on facebook and he goes on Quora just to stir up his hatred of my profession. He feeds fear and paranoia to his followers and they lap it up. All while there is an acute shortage of nurses and while they are quitting right and left due to this type of harassment at work. The guy lives in NJ and is home and on the computer all the time. He is nobody’s advocate but his own.
Oh, Quora supports THAT kind of behaviour and how dare you reply and defend yourself, that’s what they’re all about.
The creators are full blown WOKE!!! The medications for schizophrenia provide some limited help with that, but they’re no cure. hey hey hey
That is horrible! Did you report it? I don’t blame you for deleting quora after that.
I had something similar happen to me recently. I am not a nurse or first responder, but I asked a question about how safe O’Hare is as I have to fly out of there, and I am nervous about it. I got a psychotic answer with a 911 related joke. I reported it and blocked the poster.
Not worth your time. I avoid FB too and stick with Reddit or X.
Let’s just say, YouTube comment sections look like playground arguments over a rubber ball compared to comments on Quora.
Quora is a business, a blunt money making machine.
They make money in several ways. (Advertivements, selling data…) But in order to pull big money from the advertisements, they need to have as much as possible page clicks from as much as possible different members. We know that for instance google is using personal data to show ads that ‘could be’ closer to the range of interests and activities of the individual user. (Or age, or other marketing data.)
It is clear, Quora discovered that nothing is creating that much page views, as … quarrels. (Quora = Quarrelo) They need internet trolls, and they both create them, and attract them. They pay trolls (Quora Partner Program…) to produce as much irrelevant trash as possible. The only thing that counts for them, is the amount of ad-money flowing in, afterwards. (The Q-P-P explains it ! The payment does not line up with the number of questions you ask, but the number of page views it creates !)
The site is not about questions and answers at all, the site is about the number of Ad-money rising page clicks they receive, and quarrels drive it up !
That’s all there is, about the site….
( Ethical problems, privacy trespassing problems, illegal activities.. etc … The site is legally in the USA. I bet, there is no way to fight them for those things as I suspect there does not even exist a legal base IN the USA to fight what they do, and then, certainly not when the user is not located in the USA. )
I had both asked a question and answered a question on Quora after getting signed up. I had no idea what I was in store for. In answering a question I simply posted links for about a dozen retracted media stories who also publicly admitted to actually fabricating the entire story. I did this because the commenters and the questioner still believed these ridiculous theories which had been retracted and proven completely false a long time ago.
I literally made no personal comments other than saying “Here are numerous reliable sources including the very same media these news stories came from admitting to them being untrue and thus retracting the stories.” I immediately was given death threats, threats to be doxxed, and placed on an actual leftist fascist group in Quora that collects personal information in order to doxx and harass.
My question asked what everyone thought about the recent findings that many recent serious media stories were proven false meanwhile those who actually spoke the truth were highly censored. Again I was threatened and called all sorts of ridiculous names which made absolutely no sense.
They simply accuse anyone that’s not an uninformed fascistic leftist of being an evil nazi, misogynist, evil white person etc, even when it has absolutely no relevance to anything being discussed. After about 30 death threats for simply posting links to retracted media stories I left quora immediately. It’s become a haven for low iq extreme leftists.
Quora is pure cancer. They basically pollute search results with their shit site to then require registration to view the very content that was presented in the search results, only to be forced to do a full account setup wizzard with your interests and shit only to get redirected to a different page with content behind a paywall…
I immeadiatly deleted my account but before I had to reset my password which requires at least one lowercase, uppercase letter and digit…
You cant make this shit up.
I had an account and learned very quickly that quora is loaded with hypocrites, know it alls, and devils. As soon as I confronted a foul accusser with truth I was threatened by a moderator. Never again, I loathe everything about that bs site.
You’ve got company, I feel the same way.
I use Quora and don’t have a problem with it just yet. Unlike the Nextdoor website which banned me for a few weeks due to their not liking my politically incorrect comments. I won’t be returning to their website. Quora seems to believe in free speech from my experience. They haven’t censored me for making the same comments I made on Nextdoor, anyways. They did give me a warning about not being polite enough or something like that, though.
I have been on Quora. The holier than thou attitude on that site is horrifying.
Quora is setting people up for mobbing. Narcissist & gang stalkers are all over Quora. I started getting questions supposedly from Quora. 300 of them in just a few days. No, name attached. I asked a question about this & verbally attacked. I answered to let than know what was going on. My name was smeared & now no questions are coming my way. That is my a good thing. Writing up all my information :& getting rid of it & leaving Quora. All social Medias are dangerous.
Lol I’m sorry to reply to your nonsense you have to give up personal information. Hmmm
As far as liberal content I’m not sure when anti government pro 2nd amendment became liberal but if so then I guess you are correct. Because all I see on Quora is a lot of liberal hating gun nuts that want a revolution.
Also another reason why people don’t get many followers and upvotes is because the Quora moderators don’t distribute your answers to all the community.This buying followers is a scam!Essentially what you are doing is paying Quora to distribute your content.
Anyone who willingly gives away his personal information in order to have an account on these platforms deserves what he gets, I don’t have a FB account, a Twitter account, any more in I mean for at least 15 years now.
I still have gmail accounts, I never use my own personal data, no real name, no real address, no phone nothing.
But all of these major platforms now require you to disclose your identity in order to use their services, and people do oblige.
I will never give any of them any of personal information, no picture, no real name, last name, phone address etc..
I have a Quora account but I am not using it, I have unsubscribed from it a long time ago.
Quora is run by a bunch of Nazis. The same goes for Twitter, Facebook, rumble, etc…
Do not give your information away, they will sell them to the highest bidders, to build their “global” database, they are setup to collect information about every human being.
This is why we don’t see any phonebooths any more, because they want to know who is who, and who is calling who, they always use security and safety as the main pretext, to combat frauds and cyber criminals, in reality they are the criminals.
Well this is weird. I’ve posted a comment or two about Quora here in the past. I can’t stand Quora’s bias, got rid of my account months ago. Just now, I found over a dozen Quora comment links in my email messages; you know, the usual Quora crap, asking you to reply to comments about dumb topics that were left on Quora five or ten years ago. I discovered that the account that I had permanently closed (I didn’t just temporarily deactivate it) was active again! I did NOT open a new account.
What I DID do a while ago though, when doing a Google search on a certain topic, was to view a Quora comment re: the same topic. Apparently, if you get rid of your Quora account, then even just LOOK at a Quora comment online, your account gets reactivated. You don’t even have to sign in. How is this even possible? Because Quora KEEPS all of your information. If you permanently close an account, you should have to sign up again from scratch to create a new one if that’s what you want to do, right? Not with Quora. Your “closed” account is still counted somehow as a Quora account. Doesn’t matter if you permanently delete your account or just temporarily close it. This is FRAUD, no different than Twitter having fake bot accounts to impress (or deceive) people with numbers.
I just permanently deleted my Quora account again, but it took FOUR attempts, because every time I did so I saw, “Your account is closed”, followed by a message telling me that I was being logged back into my Quora account. I finally got an automated message from Quora telling me that it would take TWO WEEKS for the account to be closed, which is also nuts. When I first decided months ago that I had had enough with Quora, I had problems closing the account back then too, and resorted to leaving profanity-laced comments on that website in the hopes that doing so would get me permanently banned Nope! Quora just removed the anti-Quora comments and my account remained. Maybe a group law suit would send Quora a message?
Oh man, I wish I found this site sooner. Well, better late then never.
I just deleted my account on Quora because I noticed their ridiculous Censorship! they deleted an answer from me, which was up for a week getting views, no complaints, upvotes…just like that for no reasons given. I wanted to see if I can do something to at least find out whats going on, but found out that I could just as well Bark at the Door.
By the way, you forgot to mention the INSANE bias on the site. You can basically OPENLY INSULT certain political views/persons as much as you like, you can even go ahead and call for their deaths and they want do anything…but dare even sneeze in the direction of another certain political view and its gone.
Just avoid like the plague!
Quora does suck why in the world would someone make a website so bad It DESERVES A QUICK DEATH and I mean it I’m always having problems on the website saying ” Page not responding” or whatever. That always happens; Another reason not to use Quora is U have to Create an acc, Use Ur real name and Ur searches are not private. that’s an invasion of privacy and Kinda creepy tbh
I hate Quora with an extreme passion. I got off it and will never go back. Stay away from Quora!
Yup Quora sucks big time, and is probably involved trying to bring back Joseph Stalin from the dead. That is anyways my theory
I’m sure they just LUV Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and his predecessors, and the way the hapless peasants ( not citizens ) there are made to WORSHIP their “dear leaders!!!” They probably also just LUV China’s pricktator, Xi Gen Ping and his new evil cashless system and the social credit-scoring system!!! They so BADLY want to make it like that HERE!!!
Check out the new global CBDC ( Central Bank Digital Currency ) system that folks like those at Quora want to see want to see here in the U.S.A.!!! They way it works is this: “They” will give you X amount of “credits!” You cannot SAVE those credits!!! You must spend them ALL, because they will delete any unspent “credits” and start you out with the same X amount of credits for the following month!!! They will monitor how you spend your money and what you BUY with it!!! If you’re diabetic, they will not let you buy anything that THEY don’t think is good for you!!! And if you buy “controversial” things that THEY may not like, they can simply turn your CHIP off until you go down to the police station of Domestic Public Affairs Office and EXPLAIN yourself!!! If they agree that shutting your “finance chip” off ( yes, it will be an implanted chip!!! ) was a mistake, you’ll be given a stern warning before they turn your chip back on!!! This is already being done to citizens ( oops, I mean PEASANTS ) in China!!!
Based on a bull$h!1 social credit scoring system ( basically a CASTE system ), THEY ( not you ) will decide how many “credits” you will be allowed to have each month!!! Sound like FUN?!?
Quora is a terrible site. I used it more as a form of amusement than anything else, however, several times it said I “wasn’t nice” whatever that is supposed to mean. Finally I recently began to write questions and posts calling out Turkey’s fascist government and refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide as well as stealing land from Syria in 1939, atrocities against Kurds and refusal to recognize an independent Kurdistan and a long list of grievances Greece has against them. Recently Turkey has decided to block application of Sweden and Finland for NATO membership as another stunt they think they should get away with. I got a notice that I was banned for 2 weeks because Quora defends Turkish atrocity, theft and fascism. They needn’t have bothered because I will never used their site again. Reading the above article “10 Reasons Why Quora Sucks” proves my point. Someone needs to shut them down.
Just realised there’s something very propaganda-fishy about it. You’re not allowed to have an actual discussion about anything; it’s only the tired globalist-fueled agenda and its minions spouting off about the usual bollocks they’ve inhaled from the mass media. Cut and paste, regurgitate the next trigger topic to distract them and make them angry and divisive.
You can use a fake name now, but allowing people to monetize their answers and hide them behind paywalls made some of the better answers inaccessible for those who refuse to pay for one more subscription program.
I threw in the towel when I was flagged for “hate speech” for pointing out that Americans are bad at geography. I thought it had to be a mistake, so I appealed. Nope, still hate speech. All the vile personal attacks from anonymous trolls that infest the site daily, and a comment about geography is what gets pulled.
Quora has become Yahoo! Answers, only worse with the idiotic moderation.
Quora loves anti-America ancient cliche bullsh**. I am surprised you didn’t attract a crowd of thousands of Quora Marxists.
At one bit you had to use your real name,now you ca use a handle.
We are NOT bad at Geography. And there are 330,000,000 of us. If you want to judge by a few people, that is your decision, but a very blissful and ignorant one.
How much do you know about U.S. geography, anyway?
No, I am not offended; I have seen people write that so many times it rolls my eyes.
Some are, that can’t be denied. Probably most.
Not all Americans are bad at Geography(hahah)! I love Geography! Peace be with you Andie
You forgot the very obvious. People request the same questions 10 times and lazy students prefer to ask for help from stupid people instead of reading their textbooks. Garbage questions and garbage answers.
Yes the Quora Partner Programe where you are paid to ask tautological questions.
I still check Quora, but I’ve become quite jaded with the site. In the last year or so, I have been seeing too much of the following:
-Questions created out of a desire to make money from the “Quora Partners Program.” Telltale signs of such questions are when a user’s profile lists thousands of questions and/or when many of the questions that user has posted are very similar.
-Questions that look as though they have been copied out of homework assignments.
-Inane questions that appear to have been posted by bored teenagers or others trying to use Quora as a chat site (for instance, a question asking to name one’s favorite food).
-Questions that are worded, “what is the best _____?” These can’t be answered because the question contains no metrics or criteria on which to judge goodness.
And questions meant to troll certain people.
I have been following Quora for years and have come across some pretty well informed answers to some questioners on there. I just tried today to post my very first question and to my surprise it said I was blocked from asking questions! I was like how is that even possible? It tells me that I’m not allowed to comment on anything and if I upvote a question or comment it deletes it right away! That’s sad because we all need a way to be able to ask questions or talk with others about many things. After reading this article about Quora I will be deleting my account and spamming their emails.
I fully agree with your assessment of Quora and actually closed my account a few weeks ago. I have at times found some useful information on it, but most of what’s there is biased, or mindless chatter. Some of the users are nice, but many are pompous armchair “experts”. Quora mods are biased as hell. I’ve seen good posts from users that did’t violate policy get removed and I’ve seen comments that actually were hateful get to stay. Quora once removed one of my posts as “hate speech”. In it, I said that it was possible to appreciate the aesthetic aspects of 3rd Reich memorabilia (uniforms, banners) while at the same time hating Hitler and all he stood for. This is true, especially for collectors, but tiny brained Quora only saw “hate speech”. I also got chewed out once for not using my real name. I didn’t omit it intentionally, and oddly, I was able to create my account WITHOUT using it! When I pointed this out to Quora I got snapped at again. Quora is full of………”itself”. It must profit every time someone posts on it, which explains why it sent me endless emails alerting me to topic threads that were several years old. IT wanted to “renew” them. Glad I ended our relationship.
I was really concerned about the kids who were asking if what they were going through was abuse and anybody was answering. Unless you have thick skin don’t dare post a question be ready for condescending abusive horrible answers that can hurt you. I was appalled at the answers that were allowed to stay posted by Quora.
I am very happy to hit your “reply button” because i just neutered my account with Quora and hope not to see one of theirs again. You bring up an issue I hadn’t thought of as I don’t have children. Why your message caught my eye was honestly because of my self concern of having a reply quarantined because of a “violation of their terms of service” even though there is no way at all a third [Quora] party could have had time to read my comments.
Now that is only a setup [thank you for reading this far] for what I would like to have told them in response, if they had any kind of appeal, [which they don’t] and my comments dove tail with your comments here.
In terms of children I have read questions that appear as though a young person might be in a mental crisis. Quora is NO PLACE FOR THAT at all!
In addition I double underscore your comment that in my four months at Quora the site seems to be a sort of echo chamber for seriously sociopathic and psychopathic personalities who seem to troll the site deriving a sense of recreational pleasure out of replying sarcasms, hate speech outright swearing and vulgarity running rampant and out of any apparent regulatory control.
I happen to be 70 and yet I am so upset at the hate speech I was subjected to, sarcasms such as replies of “bla bla bla…” I think would be traumatic for a child, or even a sensitive teenager to be subjected to…call it what it is…elementary school level bullying.
If you wish to take your narrative further you have my support as your being confident of being accurate and spot on.
Thank you for reading my rant!
Teens are really stupid and deserve to be taught a lesson online
Not all of them, just the ones who listen to the news and to the people who listen to the news.
In responding to a question on Quora about why gun owners hate the idea of a national gun registry, I began my reply with, “When the Chinese invade . . . ” QUORA somehow deemed this “hate language.” Perhaps the “moderator” should maybe educate him/her/they self about the tender mercies of the CCP. QUORA, like any superior Leftist would not let me resume using its site until I confessed my crimes and acknowledged why they had suspended me. Of course I never did.
Oh yes Quora does indeed suck.
I have been using it for some years extensively, occasionally putting much effort in my answers.
It was about a year ago, when I suddenly got “banned for hate speech”, and it was a total delete, without warning, they are worse than even Twitter ! …Whole account gone, for a single
What did I say ?
Possibly it happened in the heat of flame war deep down in the comment section.
Either it was because I called some Covidian trolls who demanded their total mask mandates “a bunch of orcs”, or it was because when someone said “The German party AFD are Nazis” .. I replied “No, it’s the SPD and Green Parties which are Nazis.”, whatever, not enough to justify a full delete.
Appeal ? Beg ? I didn’t bother. We need to get off our dependence on corporate social media, and instead use blockchain solutions such as Steemit or Hive.
Don’t forget the new added feature “Quora+” which basically in order to see the full answer, you need to subscribe. This drove me to boycott quora and block it in my router’s DNS config so I don’t end up in the page.
I’ve often wondered about the mentality of followers.Some of the people that they follow write the biggest load of nonsense I’ve ever read yet they get hundreds of followers.I thought don’t you know who you follow writes the biggest load of bollocks I’ve ever read!”Yet good writers who write the truth only get ten to forty followers,am I missing something here?I think the followers of those who write bollocks are bigger morons than the people they follow!
The [lack of] quality of the actual content is another reason to avoid Quora. The majority of “answers” to questions asked are insincere and self-promoting.
MOST phrase their “answers” in a way that conveys; “You’re an idiot, and I am a genious that knows everying.” The snotty, nit-picky replies (especially to science or math questions) are more an expression of ego than an attempt to serve. Far too many answer only because they want yet another excuse to show the readers in the little Quora world just how smart he [the answer guy] THINKS he is.
Based on the tone of many answers, the site seems to be fueled by adolescent angst. It resembles more a group circle jerk than any seroius, mature, genuine desire to “just answer the da#n question”.
Quora needs a healthy dose of maturity AND humility. Responding to questions with pedantic insults is NOT a way to gain customers.
All I would like to say for having just left Quora two hours ago you pretty much hit the the reason[s] right on the mark on all I would say. So I am here to double underscore your observations.
Unfortunately I have a chronic anxiety condition and as such I was appalled there at what you eloquently state as ” The [lack of] quality of the actual content” and in addition observed “fueled by adolescent angst.”
I would simply add that the in my experience the “adolescent angst” is not necessarily being expressed by actual adolescents but also emotionally compromised adults. It appears to have been overtaken by what appear to be packs of hate speech trolls and bullies. [Retaliatory “punitive” actions seem to be authored by these with no third party review or intervention.]
I wish there were a more central place on the net where i could post these opinions to anyone thinking of exposing themselves to the swearing, hate speech and sarcasm I did, that inspired me to just delete my account…
Quora is no place for sensitive adults, and DEFINITELY no place for anyone else under 21.
Thank you for allowing this reply …
I am as right wing as right wing can gets in most aspects, and I never had any problems posting on quora. The same can not be said about youtube and facebook, whose policies revolves around censoring anything and everything.
Try mentioning Hunter’s laptop on any of these sites. Amazingly, any mention either violates their community standards or is deemed to be under, apparently eternal, review. Also, although the author of any article can equate Trump with Hitler in the title and the text, responses can never ever contain any such references to the dritte reich.
I posted the definition of conservative on Quora, they deleted the comment. Quora is leftist ignorant garbage, and usually racist too.
i mean it’s obvious, they are corrupt AF.
They will collect the information and sell it.
Recently they even added the requirement to pay to see the answers.
It slowly transformed from a place to ask questions and get answers to a place where people with “certificates” and “public identities” are favored.
Then they remove anonymous people (because the info is useless for them to sell).
For some reason it’s transforming into a platform to spread “popular opinion” and sell people’s info.
I just deleted my Quora account today. I made a post and somebody flamed me and called me names. I replied by thanking him for confirming that he is the type of person that I initially thought he was. Wishing him the best and closing with the phrase “sadly, wisdom only comes with age.” Quora Allowed his hateful comment to stand but deleted mine by saying it was hate speech. I am absolutely done with this BS platform.
That happened with me I got trolled when I trolled back the moderators accused me of hate speech.
They use Bots for that. An exclamation point in multiple places in a single post, will get you flagged. two exclamation points in a row will as well, especially if you are using bold type. But here’s why one man gets flagged and the other man doesn’t. Aggressive users are reporting your post because they don’t like it. especially if that user is part of a community of users. The LGBT lunatics will do this as well. the difference with them is, they wont enter the debate. they just see a post saying something opposite to the “cause” and report you.
The so called “spaces” are like facebook groups. Your question can be pushed into one of those groups and the group will flag you till your account is halted. Literally, they will go down all your answers and flag until something sticks.
Another way to troll users is by merging your questions with others, even if they are not truly related. the program sees matching words and merges them. A singe user can attack you like this.
They no longer have a real name policy. However, the bots will STILL flag you for “real name policy!”
Also, Facebook is going to court for a lot of liberal abuse allowed during election fraud, etc.
Thanks for your opinions, makes sense. Haven’t been to Quora in years
Yes, it appears Quora is pretty much on the side of the “ministry of truth” with it’s “unfallible” extreme-left-wing mask-and-vaxx-cultists and social-justice-fascists.
Quora is incredibly detrimental to certain more obscure mental health issues. You can see this for yourself if you browse for “gang stalking” on the website. The believe of being gang stalked is a form of paranoid schizophrenia where people are convinced that random people on the street, their commute or the grocery store are persecuting them and trying to torture them. Usually these people are convinced that its the government, aliens, demons or occasionally their Ex having an army of minions everywhere they go just to harass them. Some believe that these are not real people and imply the desire to become violent towards them. This can potentially be dangerous, however all you see on quora are people reinforcing these believes rather than providing opposing view points.
Considering how authoritarian their moderators are, this would be a good place to start actually moderating but no.
If the other poster is right and it’s not “mods” but actually bots, it’s still the same thing and it makes sense, still mods, bot mods. What you are describing is a very good point, it makes Quora a site that’s dangerous to the public, and without real human mods to sort this out, then there’s no way to solve the problem.
The final straw for me was when I saw there was a notification in my Quora profile.. I read it, and it said one of my answers had violated their BNBR policy. The question was something like “When will Borderlands 3 (video game) be released?”. I gave a nice answer with the release date along with the comment happy gaming. Quora says that answer violated the BNBR policy. Really? I deleted my account after being a Quora user for 5 years. And they kept asking me to update my credentials. And the “I’m 14, am 4’10”, and weigh 480 lbs. Should I stop eating KFC” questions got really tiring. The QPP program ruined what was good about Quora. Paying to ask questions? Couldn’t they see how that could be abused? Quora should pay the person who answered the question, not the other way around. Bye Quora!
Exactly. Who in their right mind would pay to hang out on that toilet?
I am so happy I am not using Quora anymore. The amount of authors they pissed on, ban, shadowban, collapsing answers and all kinds of dumb moderation just made me realise, “if I invest time on Quora and I get a huge following with rich content, they’ll do the same to me and also keep the work to get traffic still.”
They are trying so hard now with their new idea called SPACE. Where you make money from it. The platform full of clutter now, and tons of meme posts and even pornography that it’s become a joke.
As I’ve already said they are not distributing the content of good writers hence why they and me in particular hardly got any views upvotes and followers.This buying followers is a scam to pay Quora to distribute what you’ve written.
I was blocked from posting anonymous questions on the site for no apparent reason. I don’t know if it was because I posted too many (why have the feature then?), or because I posted something that some stuck-up moderator or “writer” disagreed with. I didn’t post a single provocative or troll-ish question… Quora sucks. In my experience, and as the article also pointed out, it’s an echo chamber for pseudo-intellectual liberals, and I’m no conservative.
u can actually reload the page and then view the question without an acct
Not on mobile devices.
I totally support the death of quora. The site’s moderators are horribly draconian. They will let completely rude comments to be left on the site while sometimes a moderator will go on a witchhunt on your profile and start deleting\banning all your comments one by one. It’s just horrible.
When i reply to troll answers with troll answers of my own the moderators delete mine but not theirs.
Quora is extremely diverse. You have people from third world countries giving opinions. I feel in a third world country. Over there they are probably being brainwashed even more and being fed Kayne and Drake songs.
The Women on quora are bitter, hypersensitive to any comments that go against their opinion. The men to me are the only posts I’ll read. Mainly because they at least try to empathize with the poster.
I find quora was created by two drop outs. Two lazy idiots who are making millions of dollars by controlling, hurting and not taking down offensive posts. Plenty of ignorant people put up posts on here that are highly offensive to people in grief, hardship and poverty.
the most annoying part in there is the answer get upvote not because its correct but because they like it even its wrong, its like waste of time seriously answer the question but in the end trash answer get more upvote even its wrong. not like i care but its so annoying.
my question even got deleted and edited.
Most importantly, Quora has clearly become a liberal political tool that promotes the western liberal narrative and bans the opposing mindset. A free resource that demands a real identity with a lot of traffic. Hmmm… Makes one wonder what organizations would be interested in that “service” stating alive.
its self policing .. Groups of like minded users, are deliberately flagging a single user so the BOT can delete or block your account. Wake up. stop listening to the friggin tv in regards social media. its a video game. not a giant room of mods somewhere looking at every posts.
Thanks for your comment and ideas
I was answering alot of questions until the next day quora said I was blocked. The site sucks.
This site asked for personal information before I was able to post. It wanted me to log in through another site that has my personal information or to use my email. Left-wing nut jobs demanding papers before one can post. Next comes naming names.
Called out screaming Libtard named Charles Garvin on Quora for his bad attitude. Provided proof of his penchant for children and I got banned. Quora… a haven for liberal pedophiles.
I’ve posted here about Quora before. I once liked it, but then Quora removed a few of my comments that didn’t violate its’ comments’ policy. My comments weren’t rude; they didn’t attack or denigrate anyone or any group. I asked honest questions about liberal views on race, gender and other issues, related liberal double standards, and apparently offended “woke” mods who regarded my comments and questions as “attacks” on their fake, little safe space world. I tried to delete my account and couldn’t, contacted Quora, politely gave them an earful, said I wanted nothing to do with a biased, cancel culture internet venue, and asked that my account be deleted. I had to ask several times; finally they told me that it was deleted. WRONG. I just went to Quora (three weeks later) and my account is still active. To show displeasure with this, I created a message explaining why I wanted nothing to do with Quora, threw in the F word a couple of times, and posted it dozens of times all over Quora. Hopefully the righteous, woke idiots will ban me for life. Ten to one they refuse to let accounts be deleted because they want their “numbers” to look good.
I was in quora but never posted anything. I did nothing. So I deleted my account. Someone has been using their skype-like screen and has been spying on me. This has been going on for many months. Two days ago I managed to completely block the whole website. The morning after… it popped back up again, later in the afternoon it popped up again. How the hell do i stop this? It’s not on my system either. I went into add remove programs and seen it there but I removed it a long time ago. How the hell are they by passing the blocking and still able to come up on my system?
Sounds like you have a virus. Get Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and do a full system scan. It might find it. But to be totally sure without hiring someone, do this: 1. Back up ALL your files and personal data you don’t want to lose onto an external drive. 2. Wipe the full hard drive (or better, replace the hard drive), and then reinstall your operating system fresh. Only copy back the files you know and need. This should permanently disable access.
Great advice Hoss
I thought I had already commented here but don’t see my comment, hope this isn’t a duplicate. I left Quora after having had a comment deleted and getting scolded for not using my real name when replying to another, despite the fact that Quora gives “anonymous” as an option when replying! My comment/s pertained to race.
1. I wanted to know why groups can celebrate being black, Asian, etc., but not white.
2. I wanted to know why there can be black churches, magazines, dance troupes, orchestras, etc., but not a “white” anything.
3. I wanted to know why it’s perfectly okay for a black or Asian actor to portray someone in a film or play who was historically white. Examples: in the film, “Mary, Queen of Scots”, an Asian actress portrays the very white Bess of Hardwick, a close friend of Elizabeth 1st in the 16th century. In a production of the “Sound of Music” that I saw some years ago, a black woman portrayed the very real – and white – Maria von Trapp. Imagine the uproar if a white actor portrayed MLK in a film?
4. Another question that I asked was in regard to seemingly 99% of all TV commercials depicting interracial families. I have no problem with interracial families but do with this stupid over-representation.
5. I wanted to know why Harvard University and the recreated Pilgrim village, Plimoth Plantation in Mass. got rid of terms and words like “dorm master” and “plantation”, with “master” and “plantation” having existed in the English lexicon long before slavery did in the US, due to pressure from whining people. I also commented on slavery having existed in ALL cultures. It isn’t a white thing. Heck, there were feed blacks in the US who owned black slaves. God help you for saying that.
6. My last question dealt with “cultural appropriation. Shame on the white woman who wears a sari or “black” hoop hearings, but hey – a black guy in a Scottish Kilt or a Chinese couple in China dancing in a Tux and ball gown? No problem. Quora is totally biased, Oh – there ARE questions on Quora with titles like, “Why are whites looked down on?”, but you can imagine the answers.
I detect someone able to think for themselves, and who has the capacity for critical thought.
The same thing happened to me on Quora. In a thread where plenty of people were suggesting that slavery was “evil” and the product of whites, I took the trouble to suggest that slavery was inevitable in pre-mechanised society, and went further to point out that it had been practiced by Asians, Africans, and even American red Indians long before white Europeans got into the act. That was duly deleted with no opportunity of appeal. I only discovered the deletion after I had accidentally stumbled onto the thread a couple of weeks later.
Last week, I added to one of the many threads about Adolf Hitler (it appears compulsory to add “I don’t support the Nazis…etc. when answering in order to avoid deletion) whereby someone, who was constantly adding aggressive comments, said he wished Hitler had been “aborted at birth.” I responded by pointing out his psychopathy in wishing infanticide to be carried out on an innocent child. This time I received notification that this comment of mine had been removed but offered a chance to appeal – which was rejected as expected, whilst the nasty comment that I’d responded to remained.
Another gripe of mine is that some ‘answers’ are permitted to forbid replies, and that just makes them nothing but propaganda.
Every other culture still has slaves. Africa, Asia, and the Middle East still have slaves today. The only place it has been abolished is white countries and colonies.
On Quora a user called Angry black Man said he will forgive blacks owning slaves but not whites and Arabs.”I replied”slavery was an abomination by all means condemn it but don’t be selective and hide your guilt behind ours.Everyone took part in the slave trade of black people Arabs,Europeans,Hispanics,Native Americans and other black people who were slave owners in Africa,the Caribbean and the United States.It’s water under the bridge,forget about it and move on!African Latin Americans have.
Absolutely, positively Quora sucks a..!!! I just posted two questions and got answers only from angry leftist sheeple which were just basically just angry comments towards my questions. When I comented on those answers shredding them in the process my comments disappeared within 5 min of posting, no warning, no explanation! Yet the completely stupid comments such as Thank you for answering got to stay. It I obvious, painfully so that Quora is a fierce supporter of the leftist propaganda and doesn’t give a s… about your constitutional rights or your fair unbiased opinion! They should be sued for all those privacy breaches! And I too hope it gets a quick death! Thank you for investigating and bringing out the truth!
Wow. I’ve posted on Quora for several years with no problem (topics like “antiques” or “Nordic history”). A few days ago I posted a comment and Quora removed it and sent me a warning. The comment was about race and double standards. Why, for example, is it “cultural appropriation” when a white woman wears a sari, but okay when a black man wears a Scottish kilt? Why is it okay for a black or Asian person to portray an historical person in a play or film who was white? (In the recent film, “Mary, Queen of Scots”, Bess of Hardwicke is portrayed by an Asian. In a production of The Sound of Music that I saw years ago, maria von Trapp (a real person) was portrayed by a black woman.) Why was it okay for BLM leader Shawn King to tell a million Twitter followers to attack statues of “white Jesus” because they are symbols of white imperialism? I asked questions like these and more. Quora removed my comment, sent me a warning, and also reprimanded me for not answering someone’s question using my real name. Um…why then does Quora give you the option of replying: anonymously?! I cancelled my account. My post wasn’t racist, obscene, violent, or an attack on any race or group. It was about race related hypocrisy and contradiction, and Quora mods didn’t like it.
Leftists cannot tolerate critical thought. They require every person to be a mindless drone that believes whatever they are told, even if it makes no sense, is hypocritical, or even dangerous. As long as it agrees with leftism which is the opposite of everything that is factual and true. Anyone who questions this is seen as a “heretic” and is treated like one. You are seeing a religious reaction to the religion of leftism, where up is down and down is up.
That is the totalitarian nature of Critical Theory (aka Cultural Marxism) which dictates that all conservative thought must be oppressed.
And even more, that all thought must be suppressed.
If you google Quora is full of idiots.
It gives you a list of sites of anti-Quora forums like this. Quora is very unpopular. Quora sucks!
Quora considers constructive criticism to be bullying or rude. I keep getting my replies taken down for simply correcting someone who might’ve made an ignorant statement, and without even calling them a name, will still get my reply taken down.
Leftists do not tolerate constructive criticism. They only tolerate people who parrot the false views they hold. If they did tolerate criticism, it would not be long before they would not be leftists. Which is what happens to many people, so the only people you will find who are leftists are those who cannot tolerate any kind of criticism. Those who do, change their views if they ever open their mind to accept rational thought, logic, and common sense. The irony is that they believe they are “open minded”, when they are the most closed-minded people on Earth.
Quora is now a popularity contest about who has the most followers.Who got their answers from Google or Wikipedia!I thought it was about helping the OPs by answering their questions for them.Also it has turned into another Instagram and Facebook!I resigned from Quora two months go.Best decision I made!Also they troll you for giving what they believe is a wrong answer.
Is that wrong getting answers from the internet(Google, Wikipedia) or do you prefer they come from the NY Times and Washington Post?
I’m scared what’s going to become of the internet if Trump doesn’t win a 2nd term because a lot of the internet gets a lot of underground democratic funding to keep going which will be cut off when they realize they can’t control the narrative anymore. They all thought 2016 was just a fluke so for the most part held on and just started shoving a paranoid propaganda crapshow at us hoping they can sway 2020.
The web is going to look a lot different next year regardless of whom wins but if we get a pro communist President it will look that way very very fast and you’ll all be bumped off period!
All I can say is wow. I can’t tell you how long I have searched for the truth about this liberal site. Can’t say what I really wanna say, cause I just won’t. I knew this was backed by liberals, knew it, and couldn’t figure how they get away with it. Losers, all of them, and what goes around comes around, just sayin
Try Reddit! It’s bad to the bone!
It would be more appropriate to call modern ‘liberals’ and Quora ‘illiberal’.
The modern definition of liberal (“modern liberal”) is the opposite of the former definition of liberal (“classical liberal”). Words are the primary weapon of communism. It inverts the words, appropriates the word and changes the definition to the opposite. Just like “Feminism” which is now anti-female (it’s “feminist” for a woman to support denying all femininity and working male jobs, dressing like men, and acting like men).
I hate that you can’t delete anything!!!!
Been on Quora actively for one week. I wrote 146 different answers. I provided a lot of good useful information. 4 times they deleted a comment on me. Now 3 times I was definitely not nice. I learned my lesson.
Today I’m reading some garbage that some lady wrote about how she let her child walk around throwing a tantrum in a supermarket. All I said was:
“I can’t stand parents like you”
I cannot understand how this was mean in any way not nice or whatever BS they called it. Most people would agree with me. Who wants to listen to a 6 year old cry and throw a tantrum in a supermarket because some passive aggressive mother who shouldn’t even have children finds it appropriate to allow her little brat to act like this?
Just the answer alone was enough to piss me off.
So I appealed it. Never got an email, nothing in response. Didn’t notice anything until I happened to be searching my notifications looking for another question and I happened to see a notification from Quora telling me they decided that their decision stands.
Okay. Fine. Took me half an hour but I deleted all 146 answers I wrote this past week one by one.
Sorry Quora, no more free Search Engine traffic from me.
I’m over here providing useful content for people for free simply because I enjoy writing and Quora is deleting whatever they feel like because they can.
Now I’m using Stack Exchange.
You won’t get far. I got banned from answering an old question they thought was spam even though it wasn’t and I didn’t know it was old.
Quora is deleting most of my comments that have anything to say against current narratives, and/or against any liberal narratives.
example of a deleted comment:
Politifact is known to have left wing bias, you should not use it as a source. Then list of links that show how biased it is (it is pretty much general knowledge that it’s biased)
other example:
There are several laws/quotas in place now that effectively hurt white males (was an argument against the supposed ”rampant white privilege”, such as the forced quotas in some schools that impose a 50% female or X% of a minority quota. Which effectively mean that a lot of white males are denied the spot, even if their grade is higher.
COMMENT DELETED. and i even get a warning.
other example:
Dude, it’s not just other races that have stereotypes, there’s also many stereotypes that are against whites, the only difference is whites don’t call you racist when you do. Such as the very commonly thrown word ”snowflake”, various generalizations about how dorky whites are (made generally by blacks, see like dave chapelle’s show for example), the many times people say white= small penis. on and on and on.
The reality is all groups generalize, and all groups have some people in it that are racist. Let’s not pretend that only whites make stereotypes and are racist.
Could it be any more clear how extreme left-wing / marxist / totalitarian this website has become? This is literally unconstitutional. These platforms are supposed to be NEUTRAL. There were no obscenities or foul language in ANY of the deleted comments. Btw, these are just a few examples of comments deleted in the past few days…. This is a disgrace.
My question was edited on Quora. I asked the question “Why does it need to be called feminism when in the 60s we had civil rights movement?” The question was changed to “Why so we need feminism when we have human rights?”
This changing of the question changes the entire premise of my question which will of course change the answers. I asked this same question on reddit and no one has yet to answer it. Basically feminists don’t want to answer real questions and just hide in their echo chamber.
Furthermore, I attempted to reply to a posters answer on Quora but that feature has been disabled. How can we have a discussion?
You cannot have a discussion, that is the entire point. It is a political propaganda platform under the guise of a questions and answers site. That’s why they removed the ability to add any description to your question, allowed moderators to completely change any question (or answer), restrict people based on their political and religious views, removed the ability to respond to comments, etc.
Why did Quora get massive funding? Because it was a great idea for designing a controlled leftist narrative, so that they could fund it with communist propaganda money by investors – not because the site makes any actual revenue coming anywhere close to its valuation.
I despise curos I fell for their tricks are for kids silly wabbit, I naively went onto the site thinking it was going to be a fun site ,with questions like the old time puzzle questions of the past ,wrong all big brother testing you out seeing what you were going to answer with and then they proceeded to mock and trick you some more till I caught on quickly, I fell for a written article asking your coming out story , now I know writing stories all made up by professionals who in the past would have wrote articles for penthouse magazine,I left shut down my account permanently and never looked by ,I also hate how when you’re looking something up on google they pop up first with some assholier then though answers,I don’t mind learning information but I hate having sh it in my face
If you are not a liberal democrat, you will have comments collapsed or delated, a few times with an explanation but most of the time you will be given the Be Nice Policy without any explanation or who reported and why.
I was suspended for 3 weeks in 2019. I asked why, no explanation.
I had 23 comments collapsed in 1 day, no explanation given.
I had 62 comments collapsed in 1 month, 1 comment had been posted for over a year, but in the month of October 2019, it magically was found to violate a Quora policy.
As of this day, May 17, 2020, I cannot answer questions on Quora. I asked what violation did I break and who reported me and why? No answer.
They are clearly heavily politicized, and sadly that’s the new trend. Youtube and google too now. This should be illegal, these platforms are supposed to be NEUTRAL. They operate with the ”social contract” that implies they are neutral. Of course we don’t want the whole internet to become a totalitarian state.
In my experience, the real name policy only gets enforced when you’re not on the circle jerk. I’ve seen a handful of users who changed their names several times within a span of one year and none of them got banned in anyway. What all of them have in common, they’re friends with one or two people like popular writer or a mod or someone who gets insider access to Quora. So basically if you want to be exempted from the rules you have to know someone inside the company then whatever you do whether it’s sock puppeting or using fake names that you change every 3 months is completely permissible.
Quora sucks because of really stupid questions people asks. Like “How to add a script to html” like you can just search it on the internet and find the answer. But no they are dumb people that cant even search basic information. Like how you want to be a Programmer
Pretty good summary of their site.
I’m unsubscribing from Quora because of their insistence that you download their app on my dated tablet but Chrome has become so bloated, it occupies too much of my memory and I refuse to add more clutter and sacrifice memory just to use their app or download anyone else’s.
Eff’em all-
Thanks for your write-up.
You get 10 points from me ! I left Quora or curos 11/2 years ago, too many tight assed professionals,know it alls , and yes everytime I search something Quora comes up , I can count on it .
The self proclaimed “professionals” on Quora are annoying and condescending. I responded to an obviously passive aggressive post from some guy who claims that he was the be-all-end-all of guitar tone knowledge, providing retorts to each of the broad stroke generalizations that he was smart and everyone else was stupid if they didn’t agree with his position. I didn’t swear. I didn’t call him names other that to point out his arrogance. Within 8 hours, my post was deleted by moderators. I don’t have time for that kind of whimsical annihilation of a post I worked on for quite some time and put a lot of thought, just because the moderators decide to over-police opposing opinions that might force actual discourse.
ALSO we have had monopolies since WW2 controlling things. The purpose was to kick things up because in 1940 we had a crap army no better then 1912 with crappy or broken equipment. FDR’s answer was to prop it all up by making all the private companies work with the government to speed production.
When WW2 ended he didn’t loosen anything.
He(FDR) was dead before WW2 ended
We are in a hidden war (well not so hidden once you go to talk shows and outside MSM) between globalists and socialists who want full thought control. Most of these censoring tactics took off in the middle of the Obama era but very few complaints because the left thought they had it in the bag. VERY scary stuff was in the Stimulus bill more then half not set till this and next year.
We had a decent set of people take over the house in 2013 since then and blocked a lot of the scary stuff from happening but it’s still pending. Trump went further to block it but a lot of the globalists make money off of it so they circumstanced him.
Obama did some key things to the internet at his last year to hand things to the United Nations and things really got weird. A lot of sites don’t update or have broken navigation now unless your on phone only.
Google only gives outdated search results where as on DDG you get 2018 results on whatever you type if people mentioned it Google blocks it. Google said in a secret interview that they believe they have the right to control political content to stop ‘harmful’ stuff and will step it up to prevent 2016 again.
Sorry but NO THEY DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT. They are NOT a private company they have ties to the NSA/CIA and work with them. That makes them lost their private status with all due respect.
Quora is absolutely going the way of extreme dictatorship.
Moderators use its rights to crack down anything that they dislike. It seems for me that it is their personal motives and matters. They’re highly corrupt. They don’t crack down who is writing the inaccurate answers. On the other side, they used to target who is writing moderate or accurate stuffs which moderators personally dislike. They don’t care about defamations against Catholic & Protestants while they attempt to stop anything negative orthodox church. It is obviously unnatural.
I think Quora is political agenda of China to manipulate in the name of liberalism.
I agree, Quora sucks a lot!
Quora is a totalitarian social media platform. They are restricting users of freedom of speech. They use same tactics as Nazis were using - spreading their propaganda to keep their narrative & anyone who doesn’t agree with them are silenced and trumped. They use their “be nice and be respectful” policy to censor any information these dictators (sorry moderators) don’t agree with. Their mission is not to spread knowledge and information (as they claim), but to keep their side of the narrative on the front page. They DO censor certain opinions! For example: Question was asked: If you think Jehovah’s Witnesses are a cult?”. I sincerely answered yes and provided information with link of cult experts to why they qualify as a mind controlling cult. I didn’t insult any users or anyone, just provided my answer with facts. Yet Quora collapsed my answer & sent me an email that my answer violates Quora’s “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy. So, I didn’t even have an option to choose yes? Then what was the point of question if I couldn’t choose between yes or no?
They also removed my comment when after reading someone’s answer about animal slaughtering festivals of Faroe Islands and China (with pictures) I said: “Shame on you Faroe Islands and China for your bloody barbarian traditions!”, which was very adequate answer after looking at those horrible photos. Quora once again removed my comment and sent me their notification about “violating” their favorite “be nice be respectful” policy.
My last straw was when, I saw really hateful comment from one guy, who literally was sending whole country to hell, asking Russia to nuke it, calling it evil, unchristian and other nasty names, freely expressing his hatred of that country and it’s people, calling them r*tards. His comment was clearly violating their “be nice and be respectful” policy. I reported it and guess what? They didn’t remove it. It’s still there, however they were pretty quick to remove my comment when I criticized those slaughtering festivals… What a hypocrisy!
It’s a very hypocrite & dishonest website! Moderators are obviously deciding what is or isn’t allowed based on their own personal bias. You can’t even provide your opinion honestly, because they will delete it, sending you their “be nice and respectful” violation notice emails.
Quora is also a nest of aggressive extremist pro liberal leftists.
I deleted my account and I suggest you to do the same, folks. Don’t be part of their system. Protest injustice and leave their dirty authoritarian platform. I hope one day it shuts down.
P.S. Try to silence my criticism here, Quora.
Time to hack and destroy Quora.
My sentiments exactly I would like to see Quora off the internet for good.Cafe Utne was just as bad twenty years ago.
Can that be done? Hacked and destroyed.
It’s time it was it’s toxic it’s a troll site. It’s worse than the football and incel forums!
To be honest yes it is a bad site but so are legitimate sites like the newspaper sites but they do the same thing. They ban you, they prevent you from adding your comments if they don’t agree with you, they only publish reviews and blogs from their suck subscribers so to me its just the internet and why I would never subscribe and pay money to any of these.
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been banned from the supposedly ‘right wing’ Daily Mail (mailonline) website. I was always able to create a new account though by opening a new account attached to a newly created email address at mail.com .
There is a network of thugs… they are the secret societies or tentacles of the Mystery School Cult.
To understand the “Mystery School” better William Cooper created the “Mystery Babylon” radio series.
Winston Churchill was going to convert to “Islam” because it is likely guided by the Mystery School or is masonic. Churchill was mason and this is a connection that is important for understanding why Christianity is on the way out and being replaced by Islam, you can see the mystery School Cult minion in politics everywhere are changing policies to accomplish this.
The “Atlantis Rising” is the “Thugtopia Rising” or the “Rising of the Fiery Phoenix” or the “Great work”… there are more names of the Mystery School’s takeover of the world with World Governance. Christians are set-up to have their good-will and good-intent to be undermined.
Crop-Circles are solved as a Mystery School high-tech fraud.
Quora deleted my exposure of who makes the Crop-Circles with evidence from a Cult minion.
Many cult websites want to identify you for when the thugs start walking the streets like the Nazi brown-shirts thugging their sheeple.
Study Myron C. Fagan “Red Stars over Hollywood” and “1967”
Study Yuri Bezmenov Subversion of Populations for takeover… USA
Study your dreaming-self and the Seth-Books and read “The Nature of Personal Reality” to develop your inner senses before the Cult springs their trap
YES! Quora certainlydoes suck.. CONTROL FREAKS!
I think the worst thing about the site is the people, especially the career Quorans. They’re possibly the worst kind of people I’ve ever met on the internet. If you think Quora moderation is poor you haven’t seen the way power users behave under any kind of scrutiny of questionable behaviors. This is coming from years of experience on the site. Don’t even think about trying to slight them in any way, since they seem to be the ones running the site. Most of them have zero accountability and act as unofficial moderators, which means if they wish so they can virtually kick you out of the site possibly by commanding their followers to mass downvote or mass flag you which I suspected have happened a lot more than anyone’s knowledge. And here’s the kicker: since downvotes, flaggings and reports directed at you are mostly either invisible, anonymous, or both, anyone who wants to do so can abuse the system and getaway with it unscathed! This is a recipe for disaster for a site that demands users’ credibility upfront.
This is such a hypocritical move from Quora, considering they are so very much concerned about our real identities and even ask for ID whenever they’re suspicious of us? Just think about it for a minute, what kind of website with an ethical standard would force us to reveal our real identity, yet can’t even give us an accountable and crucial information of some moderation aspects? It’s real creepy when you think about it, almost like dictatorship who silently censor or remove you at a moment’s notice. To anyone out there, my advice is stay away from the site as much as you can.
I just reported a power user for a thinly veiled suggestion that OP should commit suicide. My reply to him, saying “Being NT isn’t license to be a jerk to someone with issues” got deleted for “Not being friendly/nice” or whatever their policy is. His post is still up, because, you know, telling someone to go kill themselves is totally friendly. Forget that dumpsterfire of a site. Their site is trash. Their UI is trash. Their moderation is trash. Their info sec is UTTER TRASH. Delete your accounts and save yourselves the inevitable frustration of watching real time abuse go unbanned.
I ask about why lqbtq community seems cannot handle criticism. And they banned me temporary for 1 mnth..so i cannot edit/answer (but still can view q/a)… i dun think my question is harmful..because i see a lot pro lgbtq quickly answer with anger and disrespectful tone for some simple question…i guess i found answer here..the mod is from some triggered liberal BS…
I thought you would know NEVER EVER question the lgbtq crowd! They are above such things.
I was attacked And mocked by an article on personal story on coming out as lbgtq, I quickly left Quora,very tricky site .
Now I’m using this to filter out all Google search results which are from the Quora domain.
Interestingly, China has blocked Quora even though it’s English only and most Chinese internet users hardly ever read English online. They must have done something that really pissed off the Chinese government.
I opened up my email from the moderators of Quora and it stated my name has not been verified. Therefore I am not allowed to post on Quora. After writing 900 questions and thousands of answers is this their way of dumping me from their site? I posted my true name and gave them both my LinkedIn and Facebook profiles. Perhaps they want my birth certificate too. Please comment. Thanks.
I get lots of requests for answers particularly on Tinder subjects which i always tell people is for whores and prostitutes, married men and cheating women and that Tinder is owned by the same media group that own Quora
so it took only a week before they stopped sending me the questions .
Quora is like an Indian call centre.
people sitting in booths dreaming up the most immature and ridiculous questions you can image so I answer them with the same gusto and disdain that the question begged for.
You are so correct. Quora is, in my opinion, an oasis for criminal activities and have such an inhumane policy in which they maintain no liability for anything and for any reason. This website is a disgrace, all in my opinion of course. An example of the types of people you can reach using Quora follows. This email was received within approximately 12 minutes of my logging on seeking illegal activities.
–actual email–
On Mon, Mar 4, 2019 at 2:29 PM, hack ninja wrote:
Just like I told you earlier I am a credit expert and over the years I have built a name for myself and that’s why people testify to my work on reddit quora and other platforms you can check me up on quora I am Herman Gibson so put your mind at rest you are in safe hands please send me those Informations I require , also it’s gonna cost you a little bit more money because of the procedures and kind of encrypted format used , it’s gonna cost you 800 dollars in total sir .
All I can say is you’re doing great, Quora. (Allegedly)
Yes, I agree with most of your points. I actually do like Quora and find some thoughtful responses there, but I am sick of all the privacy-invading requirements. I think this is all due to being owned by Google, which also does not respect privacy. I found this out the hard way–some colleagues at my last employer set up a group on google to post messages about finding new job leads when the business was closing down. We only had to provide our email address. I had a Yahoo address, and a colleague let me know that everyone else in the group now could see things that I had posted on old newsgroups, some of which were very embarrassing. I had no idea that could even happen. Later I joined Quora and I forgot my login but it allowed me to use my Facebook login (it was so easy) so I did that, but then I started finding out that my Facebook friends were seeing things that I wrote on Quora, which I did not intend…
Can anyone sue Quora please and help it shut down? It’s full of joke question/answers, narcissists obsessed with eugenics and sociopaths. They are profiting off selling wrong information. I’m tired of seeing this site show up in the search feed. It’s quite clear that they are paying Google to put them up in the results.
They allow the stupidest questions on this site like “Which race is more beautiful X or Y?”, “Why is X race lighter than Y race?”, “Why is X race less attractive than Y race?” and other crap. The users on that site are clearly mentally challenged.
The Narc victim crew is almost as bad. I watched one of them tell someone to go kill themselves and my report was never even acknowledged, while my reply was censored. Any power user on that site may as well be a mod.
Well, my biggest complaint is that blatantly wrong answers, even legal ones, are left up, and if you answer that other answers are wrong, even if you link evidence, they threaten to ban and delete your answers. We are talking ridiculous stuff like leasing a car is cheaper than buying (almost never in the long run) or in my case, legal real estate answers that as an expert in the field I know the other answers are wrong…
This is all absolutely correct except that Quora “moderators” include some GOP officials at the very top, who will do exactly as described above, to people who call out GOP prospects or officials. There is very clear political targeting of anyone who challenges the rhetoric or positions of a clique of people who run both US parties. Example: Saying that Ben Carson is the moral leader of the Republican Party (GOP) and that effectively all of that party is committed to his position that there are no “war crimes” and that power is its own justification, is enough to get one permanently banned from Quora. Really very amazing. There is absolutely no reason to use Quora, given the privacy risks & censorship & identity theft (rewriting your questions & answers for instance), and of course the audience composed of those who will tolerate this kind of abusive “service”, which should be banned in the EU.
Quora is really a liberal leftist website.
Many of my comments have been collapsed by quora. Some of the comments were rude. However, some were just normal, one sentence comments.
In FB, nobody is sitting infront of computer and reading all the reported comments. Its technical and automatic artificial intelligence which does all the activities. However, in quora, sometimes, I think, human intelligence is behind this moderation procedure- a leftist liberal loser’s “intelligence”.
I will tell certain possibilities-
Possibility 1
Now, I am exactly not sure if quora is proislamic. Many anti muslim questions and answers are there in quora. I think, if many people are posting anti muslim contents in response to questions.
Muslims are soooo religious, they have a habit about complaining against anything which is anti muslim. If artificial intelligence systematically targets and deletes reported answers, more anti muslim comments will get banned.
If a Muslim is abusing Hinduism, I will simple think that this person is a mentally unstable piece of loser garbage and carry on with the surfing. Max to max, I will write a comment “hey, is your mom still sleeping with Hindus” I will not have the energy to report the comment. However, that muslim may report my comment and get it deleted.
Possibility 2
There is a human intelligence in quora. A leftist intelligence targeting anti islamic comments. I had made a harmless comment about a muslim country. Nowhere were the words muslim, islam mentioned. Still that comment got deleted. My another comment about russians and communists also got deleted. They dont delete comments in answer section where there are many anti muslim answers. They target the comment section.
Quora is an ugly mess.
Even though they’re run by googly, their recent overhaul has gone spectacularly wrong.
Plus everything you wrote is true.
I won’t get into the situation, but I was nailed by an aggressive, cold, manipulative Quora contributor, when all I tried to do was back that sleazy hack, from an attack by a truly unstable OP. Now I’m being “reprimanded” by Quora. I did nothing wrong.
Also, you can ask any question you want. It doesn’t matter to quora how evil it is. Should you respond, in s way Quora finds doesn’t live up to their stupid BNBR paradigm, again you’ll be banned. Kill Quora Now, I say.
Like I’ve just said it’s now a toxic troll site that’s all hate I want it wiped off the internet.
I hate how bias some people are when it comes to a lot of the cringey questions they ask. There’s a lot of them that take their opinions as facts. I saw somebody right there quick opinion on a stupid question and some guy responsive three big paragraphs about how he’s wrong and what he believes is a fact. So cringy but then again that’s every website where people answer questions or talk. I hate Reddit and YouTube comment sections as well. I also hate certain articles and sites on the web too.
LOL personally I hate most of the internet except for a few things. I think of some of the fake news, labels, and weird people that would have never been anything if it wasn’t for the internet. I find most of the crap in my head is from the internet as well as many peoples viewpoints.
You just have to use the web wisely.
The internet has changed communicating with others in a most unnatural way.
Another Angle Here
I have just wasted a large amount of hours going through the ‘Quora’…it has become clear to me this is one of the most underrated sites in terms of liberal propaganda.
That place is a cesspool of bull, I feel like I need to wash my eyes.
it is remarkable if nothing else for the subtlety in which its pushed.
Wow. just wow. not to mention the questions asked sound like they were written by 10-year-olds, the fact is they were probably written by 25-year old millennial kids. the replies given bestow upon you all manner of politically correct, feminist, anti-establishment, socialist/multicultural, anti-American garbage while sounding so superior and ‘informed’ and subtly ingraining in peoples heads such softness and pacifism that I am not sure whether to laugh at the idiot liberalized writers & Apparently also MODERATORS, who are 30 year old manchildren, or cry.
I’m known in other places for my comprehensive rebuttal of leftist rants, and my deeply traditional views. in this case I am exhausted, I need to take a minute break/T-OUT and process this BS. Shit. Shit. Shit. Holy Motherfucking Shit. Just WOW.
People stay the heck away from the ‘QUORA’
Lol , well put don’t leave out psychopaths kiddies!
Spoken from a true gentleman LOL. I will go even further to say I have the need to wash my brain post-Quora. Not only the bullshit but the mindblowing conceit and arrogance of some of popular users are absolutely infuriating. Holy shit. I won’t even kid you if I say they got under my skin so much I feel like giving ’em good ol’ cleaning on the clock. Thoroughly and repeatedly, if needed just in case point was not made clear enough.
I had only been on the site for three days and was told twice my name was in breach of their policy. I couldn’t understand why because it is my name. How can someone’s name be in breach of their policy. I was furious and shut down today. never touch that site again.
D’Angelo and Cheever created a unique Chinese Troll site that regales in Blah-Blah on how great China is and that it is soon to be the cat’s meow of the world. The reality is that it is a sickly bizarre amalgam of fantasies on what the world…is not. (I’m commenting specifically on the Chinese comments here. There are moments of lucidity in other fields at times.)
And the Control Freak editors really should be perusing Winnie the Pooh for their Highlights.
I completely agree that Quora sucks! The only thing thing they do well is to be at the top of the search engine so as an unsuspecting newbie, you click on it and immediately it is obnoxious with the “create an account” b.s., etc. I know better now when posing a query to check and make sure it is NOT Quora because I won’t be duped again!
It is also worth noting that last year Quora decided to completely remove the ability to add any question details. This means that there is no way to add any context or details to a question.
You only can write a few words for a question and that’s it. They allow ability to add a “link” for context – but this is only an attempt to black hat manipulate google search algorithm to increase rankings with stolen backlinks.
I actually went back there a few times over the last year about to ask a question, but without any option to add any details or context to the question, there was no way to ask the question to get a specific answer so I left without asking anything.
The site is mainly designed for stupid questions and stupid answers. You may have heard, “there’s no such thing as a stupid question”. FALSE. A stupid question: “why is the sky red?” “why is the tallest person only 200 feet tall?” There are many stupid questions. Quora isn’t meant to be useful or helpful, just a stupid gimmick to get ad revenue through large amounts of useless traffic that help no one.
If you think that’s bad enough, wait until you see the people who thought removing the ability to add question details was a good idea! FFS the monumental stupidity of it just pisses me off. I’m not much into eugenics but I think seeing people could reach that level of moron is good enough reason to give it a shot. Just to see what the world would be without idiots like these.
Quora is garbage period! If you don’t agree with the majority opinion on that question, or you say you don’t understand their morality, they act all offended and attack you. Somehow encouraging better, spiritual positive behavior and that you won’t tolerate bullying will just get you ridiculed and downvoted. I’ve seen a question about how demisexuals are abnormal, the best answer got the most down votes, the answer that says “That’s how it should be, they shouldn’t cheat on each other”. Everyone hated that answer for some reason. It’s hard to know what’s “acceptable ” in that community or not. Another thing is that spiritual people and religious people are always attacked and called “stupid”. Yet they’ll swear to the moon that Christians are the ones attacking them even though Christians (the majority of them) have been very polite on the internet. They’ll say that religious people are dumber/close minded, not realizing you need an open mind to think beyond the physical world. Thing is rude behavior towards spiritual people is tolerated (even encouraged), but criticism towards an atheist will give hundreds of downvotes and people blocking you. They say it’s an “intellectual site”, but intellectual sites are usually non-biased. But jerks on there will tell you “no website is unbiased” or “We can do whatever we want, screw you!” If you want to be an intellectual or high brow site like you keep making yourselves out to be, you need to actually act like it. Bs site, just a more wordy version of Yahoo Answers.
It is extremely left-leaning and if you stray from progressive talking points, the community will report you and you will be banned. If you don’t want to use your real name, you will be be banned. It’s a trash website whose aim is to know who their political enemies are. End of story.
They troll you for giving what they think are wrong answers.Instead of explaining it to you.They’ve lost the argument.
I can hardly imagine having such an aversion to people I’ve never met. The people are so annoying. In medicine, it’s termed “bedside manner”. What they mean when they say things like that, is “You are a fuc*ing idiot. We can’t say those words, because you and the rest of the SJW pu**ies won’t be able to work in the morning, and I care about my coffee a hell of alot more than I your feelings. You know what? I’ll bet, that if you did things that you were proud of, your experiences in the world would be much different. Your friends and family probably wouldn’t even have to lie for you”. That’s probably what they meant, though…
I agree that many people have simply become too sensitive these days. People are starting to wake up though.
Yes people have definitely become more sensitive these days but then what do we expect. We created something that gives you Millions of trolls, and outrageous opinion in front of your face. It was bound to have affect on people. You go back to like the 70s and people were shunned from those things and kept at a minimum for most. You can only handle so much.
Great article! It’s funny how a “public forum” like quora can censure and distort what people say and still seem a source of veracity and intellect. I found this article because a statement attributed to a quora writer was total bull sh*t and I was curious who funds this web-rag. That seems to be a national security question…hahaha. Thanks for the breakdown of quora’s many shortcomings.
I was doing some research regarding hiring blacklists the other day. Although it is common knowledge among HR that blacklists exist, and even some states regulate these blacklists, as can be found from almost any source, on Quora every answer is completely uninformed and calls it “some mythical blacklist” vehemently denying the existence of “any blacklist” and trying to make the asker look stupid. Obviously, all those are false because hiring blacklists most certainly exist. Quora answers simply cannot be trusted, and you cannot get any valid information from any of the answers on there.
Blacklists? How do you find this “blacklist”? I’ve answered questions on Q so none of my answers are valid eh! Interesting….
People who answer questions or give advice on Quora are quite often opinionated without being educated on the topic they are so eager to discuss. This is annoying but also can be dangerous, depending on what the topic is and who is taking this bogus info seriously.
When I first enlisted, stoopid me thought it was a goofy fun answer and question forum with real people, I learned the hard way .
Quora.com seems dead to me. Most questions whatever it is I search on Google all come with only 1 or 2 answers. Most have none. BUT if it’s a hate Trump thread or a thread designed to be one sided against him then it’s the most popular thread ever! IT’S DA BST!
I think people are bored with phone apps as most of them suck especially if you are used to a computer and the news stares at you in the face. Phone people generally don’t give two flying F’ks about privacy.
I use Quora regularly for past time. Some comments here are correct. It annoys me deeply that when a popular Quoran only farts, he gets thousands of upvotes already.
But this guy above here who complained that he was more or less accused of being homofobic and then uses the word “***” all the time… come on please. Freedom of speech is great, but keep it decent.
And then the people complaining about atheism. If this is a field of interest you have highlighted, sure you get the idea that it is all about atheism. I had really nice discussions with christians, muslims or hindus, who were able to accept criticism and who were perfectly able to keep a discussion going without fingerpointing or quoting passages of the bible or quran.
If freedom of speech doesn’t let you say whatever you want, even if it is offensive, then it is not freedom of speech. If he wants to namecall, he is allowed, that is the very “freedom” in freedom of speech, that no one is restricting what you say.
If you say “freedom of speech as long as you follow these rules”, or “freedom of speech as long as what you say is nice and doesn’t offend me or someone else”, then it is not freedom of speech. If you think restricting freedom of speech is freedom of speech, you have missed the entire point of freedom of speech.
In regards to religious dialog, you cannot have a religious discussion if you refuse to hear the religious standpoint they have; and as almost every religion is based on a sacred text (including atheism which is based on sacred textbooks which they defend with religious veracity even in the face of being completely unfounded or false), if you are unwilling to hear about their sacred book then you are unwilling to dialog with that religion.
I enjoyed using Quora for about a year. I was happy about a year ago when a post I made was moderated as not being nice and respectful. Apparently someone had reported my post and they had not looked at it but simply deleted it. I appealed because what that complainer said was not nice were quotes from Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine used to support an answer that was about Islam. I argued that to delete my post was to effectively agree with the complainer that those great minds were racist and inappropriate (nothing could be further from the truth), A few days later I received an apology and the answer was reinstated. So great it works.
Lately however I have found that any report even a spurious one results in the post being removed and the appeal is always upheld without explanation just a repeat of the Be Nice policy. The last time was another Muslim complainer who objected to me calling Mohammed an illiterate peasant which of cause he was, I also made reference to him personally murdering 700 Jews a crime against humanity. This has gotten me banned without appeal.
I could change my email its easy for me as I have a URL and can create as many Email address as I like but I won’t because I now realise this is not a discussion site but rather a site for leftist liberals and religious right wingers. It has become everything is tried not to be and has effectively allowed itself to be hijacked by some really nasty people with more than a little bit of ulterior motives.
hahaha.. quora is so popular in the world..!!
even in china its so popular..!!
iam from china and i love quora
people are so closed minded unlike this..!!
china will rule
Quora would like you to think it is some magical crowd source of answers. The unfortunate reality is that is is just another left wing snowflake echo chamber. Anything not in lockstep agreement with the current San Francisco Newthink violates “be respectful, be nice” policy automatically and gets any non leftists banned. Fact free vitriol and sedition from leftists is fine on Quora, responding with facts no matter how well supported is “not nice”.
Great post, John. But you missed one reason: Quora doesn’t require — or even encourage — citations.
Therefore, it does not encourage people to consult sources or verfiy facts before answering. Most of the answers are just “off the top of my head” garbage.
Any answer without a citation that refers to empircal facts is either eye-witness testimony or hearsay.
But if I ask a question about the US Civil War or the Big Bang, I’m really unlikely to get an answer from
an eye-witness. 🙂
A Quora answer is allowed to stand if it sound convincing–not because it’s facts are true. Quora is sophistry,
not science. It’s not about being correct, it’s about *sounding* correct–and being in the majority. Can 100
idiots be wrong? You bet they can!
You can’t establish the temperature of a room by taking a vote. You need a thermometer.
The least an answerer can do is to indicate who’s word he is taking; cite his sources. Otherwise, it’s just a personal opinion. You know what they say about opinions….
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. True of false? Of course it’s true but That’s just off the top of my head. 2×2=4 answer off thye top of my head, etc etc.
Hello, I’m from Italy. I wrote on Quora for two months and today I made the decision to delete my account.
I was never rude to anyone, yet I got two e mails with accusations of violation on their terms of policy.
Quora is full of troll questions about Italians, it’s full of people who write LIES about us and they’re very rude. They write a lot of untrue, unfounded things about our habits, culture, they write false things about Italian men and women, they created an Italy which doesn’t exists, and if I dare to reply they have written false things, the rude one is me…their moderators have threatened me two times to delete my account because I’m rude, while I’ve never insulted anyone.
Quora sucks, and it’s full of ignorant, envious, stupid people.
Quora really sucks…
Yes particularly about whether Italian people are black or Arab.They don’t delete those posts and tell them they have violated a policy do they?
I found your site after they sent me the “real name” violation. You’re telling me they want a picture of myself too? Screw that. They can see my Google picture. My real name is Alfred E. Neuman.
OHHHH Quora SUCKS! Their idiot mods, hidden an answer I wrote, that was mildly popular, APPARENTLY because I write to well. They said it was without attribution. How do I attribute something that was written off of the top of my head was my appeal. They posted a link to some tards VERY TURDY website which reblogged my answer on thier site ATTRIBUTING THE ANSWER TO ME VIA QUORA. I pointed that out to the dummy mods. SILENCE. Screw Quora and that lil nerdy turd who runs it.
I’m surprised that the most glaring reason that Quora sucks is not given: The people suck (mostly).
About 20% of the people post their putative intelligence quotients, which is at least as dubious as it is annoying. But the real issue are the many who post derisive comments to “one up” others to respond or to belittle a person posing an honest question. It’s like, “Get a life, yo!” And it’s not like 90% of these people qualify to be Albert Einstein’s drinking buddy — more the stuff you’d expect to read from someone who just figured out how to self-publish on Amazon.
Haha I was better off at the bar after a few , better conversations and bs answers to life !
I responded to a comment made by some ignorant PHD economist that is clearly Keynesian in their own liberal philosophy and my account was banned by them for their lack or will to accept my point of view as legitimate as they cannot identify my name and address. There is no justified action in this as they just didn’t like the facts I pointed out about how badly Keynesian policy had put the US economy and debt in while lowering interest rates to create a false economic stimulus that is not sustainable by constantly doing the same thing until you cannot lower interest anymore and come up with printing money called quantitative easing.
Because they did not like these facts in my response to this and couldn’t dispute them they attacked my account as being fake.Forget Quora. They serve no purpose whatsoever. They are the fake ones that flake out once they find something they disagree with. I have been using the same email address I used there for something like 3 decades on the web now that is considered by them as a fake address and fake account too. I have been using that address longer than google has existed.
I will never visit that site for anything ever again.
Thank you for your comments regarding the fallacies of Keynesian economics and the detriments to American economy as a result. We should have never strayed from Classical economics. Sure, classical economics could not prevent the Great Depression, but while that only lasted a few years, and all the rest of the classical economic years were successful, look where Keynesian economics has gotten us – a Great Recession, century-long disaster, over 20 trillion in debt, more than half the U.S. unemployed, and many other problems that would have never occurred under a classical economic system.
You said that Classical economics would not have been able to prevent the Great Depression. I see what you mean, as it´s like common knowledge that the Great Depression “just happened”. But every main crisis has definite causes. The Great Depression had one too (at least one, but probably more). In a nutshell, the era ensuing WWI comprised a monetary policy that resembled the Quantitative Easing of our times. The Great Depression did not fall from the sky, it was conjured up by human action.
The short crisis shortly after WWI may be an example of what can happen if Classical economics is allowed to heal itself. That´s probably why most people don´t remember that particular crisis, and why we all remember the Great Depression.
But in general, I agree with you that Keynesianism had a detrimental effect on the world.
A few points:
1. I identify as left wing – and yet I got banned from Quora (https://www.quora.com/profile/Carl-Ramirez). Apparently, people got offended at a history question I asked – even though I was using the question to come up with a rebuttal against historyrevisionists.
2. Quora is an incredibly effective learning tool. During my time there, I talked to so many people whose knowledge of the world took off in only a few days of using Quora.
3. The main flaw of the moderators is not that they’re too strict
4. Yes, I agree that it is a bad idea for Quora to force starting users to select “interests”. However, once your account is up and running, you have every right to remove these “interests”.
yeap all true, mostly it’s an atheist site, majority of questions seems religion related
YES. Quora does all this and more. I have a moderately normal name yet I was blocked under that ‘real name policy’. They asked me to prove that’s my real name. Darn it’s Alan…… nothing fake looking about it. and wanted me to give two other websites where I use that name, including Facebook and Google+. NOW they are linked to my account in a way I did NOT agree to when “proving” myself…… Which would be fine because I stick to my words but then I noticed that they can edit my questions and answers into something I did NOT say…..
They’ve banned other people I was following also and didn’t see anything that should really have gotten them banned.
Shoot Quora, Let the conversations flow. If someone asks a question (no matter how stupid) let people answer without fear of being edited or banned……
I joined to get some quick surveys for simple psycological questions for a university discussion. Questions like: Would you save one 20 year old or two 80 year olds? Would you save a two year old or a two week old? Would you sacrifice one to save two? Etc. Not only did EVERYONE ignore the rules set by clearly stated hypothetical questions (eg. Oh I’d save both) the majority of them were openly attacking the people who asked these questions. If these questions were so offensive to you, then why read them, why answer? In the end they’re just harmless questions, no one is going to make them happen in real life. Or why not just say “I’d flip a coin” or “I couldn’t choose” instead of calling the questioner a horrible heartless person who clearly hates people. It was just absolute idiocy.
I am a liberal and I hate Quora. I used Quora back in the early days to ask questions about technology, and it was useful as it catered more to a techie crowd back then. Now it has evolved into a massive cesspool of crappy “content” by their “Top writers”. In quotes because those guys are simply self-centered losers who don’t know anything, spend their whole day behind the keyboard copying and pasting cool looking pics from other websites into their “article”, then get upvotes from each other so they can circle jerk. One time I simply pointed out a factual mistake from a “Top Writer” and got banned. Seriously, they don’t know any basic facts or common sense, but will ban anyone who dares point out that out. It is just a site where idiots with too much time on their hands can go feel good about themselves.
That alone would be whatever, not like I give a crap, but the more serious problem is that the site actively promotes communist propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party. There must be some kind of arrangement going on because they are the only “American” website not blocked in China, at the time there are thousands of people paid by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on Quora to promote and legitimize murders, killings, human rights abuses, genocide, destruction of religion, organ harvesting, invasion of other countries, dictatorships instead of democracy, and all types of crimes committed by China. Most likely the CCP promises Quora significant traffic on the site, so their numbers and data can look good to their investors – as long as you cater to communist propaganda.
I am not making this up myself, so see Mitchell Langbert’s comment above.
Quora…. SUCKS!!!!!
Hello Brian, thank you for your thoughts. I tend to agree.
Your reasons why Q sucks are spot on.
When they objected to my tongue-in-cheek,
family-friendly credential I bailed. Lasted about 12 hours.
Maybe a day.
Yup – “creepy” is indeed the word. Like AnnoyedAf, I also eventually signed up just to read a dratted post. First of all, if you sign in using your existing Google profile, quora wants to “manage your contacts”. Say what now? Why? Why do you need access to the contact, address, birthday, anniversary, professional information and profile pictures of the people in my contacts list? My logical guess: so that you’re not just violating my little old privacy, but the privacy of everyone I’ve ever spoken to through my google account as well.
So I googled “why does quora need to manage your contacts”, and the first few results (yes, quora results!) advises signing up with your email instead, so as to avoid making too much information available. Alright, that seems like an acceptable option, I thought. Only, when I finally got back to the post which I had wanted to read, I found that darn “real name policy” in my face. Uhhhm, no, quora, calling something a “policy” does not actually make something valid. All it does is intimidate people into complying, because “policy” sounds so authoritative and, depending on how it’s used, threatening. I had actually planned to respond to the post, but thank goodness I saw that link to the “policy” before doing so.
I was immediately incensed into googling “I hate quora”, and now here I am, responding to this post instead, which I 100% agree with!
Thanks, TechReader, for letting me comment and upvote without stalking me like an information-stealing creep!
Forced registration is more than enough reason for me to skip that site. Also it seems there is only spam there and nonsense religious posts.
Google brings them up quite often lately…
Here’s a good cautionary tale. My teenage daughter accused me last night of cheating on her dad. I googled all kinds of articles about how to deal delicately with such a situation, and Quora showed up. Never heard of it before. I signed up thoughtlessly, and checked out articles with extremely incriminating titles such as “Should you tell your kids about your affair?” etc. Today to my horror my email account showed me my two new Quora “followers” a very close family friend, and uncle to my husband. Not the easiest time deleting this account either, frustrating. Says finally “your Quora account will take up to 14 days to delete”. WTF? This is the worst example of internet privacy breaching I’ve ever seen personally. Stay away! I know, I deserve it, but whatever. Let thee without sin cast the first cyber-stone….
I am still banned from Quora because they falsely accused me of plagiarism when I did not plagiarize.
I sent them a email I didn’t plagiarize and I think I was falsely accused by people who didn’t like my Christians and conservative answers or just didn’t like me.
I also assumed they thought I violated the be nice policy, because I warned people that Muhammad said ” kill all unbelievers”, ” women are like domestic animals” and I warned people, that people who try to obey the Quran are killing people. I said I am being nice to warn people.
So, I sent a nice message to Quora and said I was not violating the ” be nice policy”, that I was being nice by warning people about that, and if I tell people that the writers of the Quran said in the Quran to ” beat your wives” ( yes, says “beat your wives” and women willingly follow this religion, I know they were brainwashed but they are adults now, they can escape that religion) that won’t be violating the be nice policy.
I also told Quora that people who obey the Quran “are murdering women, Christians, Jews, and Liberals, yes college educated Liberals. That means moderators of Quora … “are in potential danger of those people.”
I sent them another message that is slander to falsely accuse someone of plagiarism and it’s against the law to slander and then punish someone for plagiarism they did not do and “tacky at best.” Then I told them, I’m starting a blog.
When I start a blog I plan on saying all the Christians and pro Jesus Christ and YHWH things I want. On my blog I plan on saying all the conservative things I want and I will say all the lies written in Quran and say they are lies. Dear Quora, tough!
Mine was the 3rd , they didn’t like me haha , the feeling is mutual.
Part of the reason our country is in trouble is because the liberal islam-sympathizers who have not picked up a Qur`an and read the thing and read that Muhammad lied to followers and told them to kill unbelievers of ‘allah’, say islamophobia! when you try to warn people about that.
Would female liberals go to the middle east BY THEMSELVES in their pantsuits to islam-dominated countries where they arrest women for wearing pants, stone women to death for walking with a man she’s not married to or related to, where ” honor killings” prevail, where followers of Sharia Law murder people who are Christians, infidels of ‘allah’, and people who are also LIBERALS? No, I didn’t think so.
I joined quora and typed my answers.
I quoted Jesus Christ and I said Jesus Christ said that and I used ” ” and I put links where people can find where Jesus Christ said that.
Quora falsely accused me of plagiarism and banned me for a week. Falsely accusing someone of plagiarism is lying.
I typed back to Quora why I did not plagiarize and that I was falsely accused of plagiarism because they don’t like that I believe in Jesus Christ and in God. It is religious discrimination.
Those on quora who didn’t like my Christian belief, non-liberal answers so they falsely accused me of plagiarism to make my answers go away.
John– have you ever noticed the “who told ’em off best” competitive threads?
Followed by many renditions of what an awful person they are, with everyone’s own personal little touch at how clever they were at putting them down. You can almost imagine them licking their lips as they begin to type.
I get sassing some lost soul on the net. I won’t lie, I’ve done it. But 200 people? At some point, it becomes obvious forum frequent flyer muscles are being flexed, and sincerity has been lost. It’s a mob and it isn’t pretty.
I recognize the structural weak points you have mentioned but in all honesty, what did it for me is the amounts of smug people, finger wagging greedily at all un-PC, filthy in their status quo accepted manners.
I had found a handful of genuine and intelligent souls. Unfortunately between bans and edit blocks, you only have time to get endeared by a soul and they are gone or muzzled.
So yeah… account now deactivated. Thanks for the write-up btw I enjoyed to read 🙂
I participated in Quora for several months. As a libertarian, I was mostly conversing with libertarian youngsters. (I teach at CUNY in New York City.) However, at one point I responded with vigor to someone who rationalized the mass murder history of the Chinese government. I was told that my response violated Quora’s community standards. I asked them whether my telling them that they should go f*ck themselves violated their community standards, and I closed my account. Quora is indeed a left-only site, and I discourage involvement with it.
I left Quora after 3 years leaving behind over 3k answers and 3k followers. When I joined Quora it was a place where people could go to exchange ideas and information. Unfortunately, it has morphed into a wordier version of Facebook. It has become an elitist popularity contest were people care more about reading other people’s campfire stories about their personal lives but posting pictures of their cats.
Worse yet, we’re more and more questions along the lines of, “What does *insert popular Quoran’s name here* think about “X”. Said Quoran would then answer and receive dozens of upvotes and comments remarking how insightful the individual was. It was sickening. The bottom line is, with Quora facts cannot compete with fluff.
Like I’ve said many times before Quora is a popularity contest like Face Book and a platform and not a Q and A ask the experts site anymore.People have hundreds or thousands of folowers for writing nonsense!those followers must be braindead.It’s supposed to be about being appreciated as a writer!
I fully agree with this article.
I was banned for a week with many Supposed violations just for telling the liberals the truth about their (religion) democratic party. Then I got totally banned and the reason why was left BLANK, in other words they had no reason other than the web site is for liberal politics only.
Quora… When I first signed up, I thought it was a well planned and visually appealing platform to voice my thoughts to the questions of others. Like you I have become aware that thanks to their snowflake protective policy, it is nothing more than a global circle #*erk for liberal propaganda.
Basically just the worst ever. Stumbled onto it many times by accident. For once decided to just sign up to get one answer. Lost the page I came through, try to get it back by typing it out… instead it posted it as a new question. Hi everyone. Feeling super exposed. Try to delete question or deactivate account. No such setting on my new account to be found. I looked. I hope it dies.
Quora is a product of the Regressive Left Bubble World that is Silicon Valley. Not only does it just slash and burn the accounts of conservatives, but also other liberals who aren’t the “right kind” of liberal. A wonderful site if you’re looking to join a circle jerk with Prius driving feminists, with their iPhones and PETA Tees.
Your point about the moderation is hugely understated. During my own time using the site, I’ve seen Quora mods practically lynch a non-feminist for an answer within an hour of it being posted, and yet, when I reported a user for sexually propositioning an underage girl, it took them more than a week to take any action over it. The moderators only really care about coddling their power users.
Also, Marc Bodnick is a neckbeareded c***, with all the moral fiber of a trust fund brat. Still, at least if he successfully monetizes Quora, he’ll be able to afford to buy himself a spine and a thicker skin.
There is one thing I feel you missed. Quora creates intellectual elitism. Why? You music ask the “right” questions to get views and not edited or moderated. You must also move in the “right” circle to get meaningful answers. Paired with needing an account for usage, it creates an atmosphere of elitism, where only the individuals who conform to a narrow subset are able to answer or give meaningful feedback. Quora panders to an elitist mentality. Use the stackoverflow range of freely available question answer sites for anything from religion, linguistics, computer science, mathematics, philosophy, etc. It’s free and open with realistic moderator support.
The stack sites are just as bad if not worse.
Quora is crappy, yes, but it doesn’t require your real name nor a picture. The main thing I find wrong with Quora is most of the questions asked are silly, but I think a lot of people on Quora are just trying to be funny.
Actually it does require your real name which needs to be verified with a real ID, and a real picture of yourself. If you don’t put your real name and real picture, you will waste a couple months writing tons of content which will all be completely deleted once some moderator disagrees with you and decides to put your account into suspension requiring your real name on your government-issued ID, ID verification, and a real picture of yourself. If you don’t give it all of your content will be deleted forever. So yes, you do need to provide that. You don’t need to provide it to create an account, no, but if you intend to really sue the site and post any opinions which don’t promote liberalism, then your account will quickly get deleted. Keep in mind that any dissenting posts can and will be deleted even if you did verify your account however. They just won’t terminate your account if you used your real name, real picture and provided them with a copy of your government ID. All of which is a huge violation of privacy.
It is a site of pseudo-intellectuals not true intellectuals, book learned people who clearly cannot form an original thought. Regarding the name situation. I was abroad in Turkey and invented a name “Moon beauty” “Never gives up” in Turkish(LOL!) and they accepted it.As I said before they are not geniuses. They are brainwashed academics not intellectuals and the sources they cite are NEOliberal not “leftis” I am a true liberal as Jesus was, I am a feminist which simply means I wish to be treated equally under the law. I expect to be paid the same as a male doing my job and if I want an abortion it is my choice. I do not vilify poor whites or glorify homosexuals and blacks. I am logical hence in my world everyone is equal regardless of socioeconomic status, race or sexual orientation.I am not Christian but I believe in the constitutional right to freedom of religion and feel homosexuals forcing Christians(or any other opposing religion including my Nature based spirituality) to accept them under the law is unconstitutional in that it violates their freedom to express their religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Many of my insightful-read- LOGICAL NOT HYPOCRITICAL comments were deleted by Quora. There are no liberals left in the United States hence my move to beautiful Western Europe. I believe what bothers you the most about these neoliberals is that they are completely irrational. They hate the poor and adore other “special” groups(homosexuals and gays) which is antithetical to their calling themselves tolerant and liberal. A liberal accepts all not some and tolerance by definition is for all. their hypocrisy is what bothers me most in addition to their practiced use of selected sources and trying to sound intelligent when in reality their arguments are specious.
When criticising one product, you should make a reference to another which doesn’t have the problems you mentioned.
I would like to, but there is no good alternative presently. There used to be Yahoo Answers but that went severely downhill in recent years.
When a Quora member answered a question about religion saying all religion is about love, and Islam is all about peace, I responded with a link to a Youtube video showing a hall full of Western European Muslims who all agreed (by show of hands) that adulterers and homosexuals should be killed. The person speaking was saying how they are just normal Muslims and not extremist in the least bit.
My comment was deleted and I was flagged for a hateful comment, and told I would be banned if it happened again.
That was the last straw of dealing with the moderators who can’t tell the difference between hate speech and pointing out reality. I deleted all my own questions (and over wrote them first) and deleted my account. Quora’s moderators are the perfect example of the worst idiocy the far left has to offer.
Quora was good at first when it first came out in 2009.Asking experts in various fields and topics questions about anything and everything.Now it’s pseudo intellectuals who get their answers from Google or Wikipedia.
As already mentioned no privacy your answers are seen by everyone and so is personal information about you that can be used against you.
The worst thing now is it has turned into a popularity contest of who has the most followers.When underrated writers are just as good and not appreciated hardly have any followers and are wasting their time.
Exactly what I said.